Friday, July 17, 2009

One Week Out from USAs!

Well guys - we made it. It's been a long road but we're finally here...

I'm one week out from USAs.

We carb depleted all last week to strip off that last bit of fat and make sure I can make weight, and we're starting to throw the carbs back in gradually starting today. I'm so excited to be able to eat carbs again I feel like I'm already off my diet! LOL.

As you can see from the pics I'm extremely stringy and depleted, but I think once I get some food in me and fill out things will come together nicely. Without a doubt, this will be my best combination of size and conditioning ever.

You never know who's going to show up on contest day, but I feel ready to stand next to anyone. I've done the work and in my mind I've already achieved my goal - to be in my best shape ever. Now it's time to relax, have some fun, and get 'er done!!!