Check out this article from CNN:
I'm not posting it specifically for smokers, but rather as just one example of how powerful changing the way you think can be.
As simple as it sounds, this single factor determines the extent of your success and happiness in life. Once you truly realize this and harness it's strength to your advantage, it will transform your life.
Bestselling books like "The Secret" (mediocre in my opinion - but that's not the point) talk about drawing things into your life merely by focusing your attention on them. Similarly, Napoleon Hill wrote "Think and Grow Rich" and in "The Strangest Secret" Earl Nightingale said "We become what we think about most".
Like it or not, this applies to EVERYTHING. The way you view yourself, your circumstances, and the world in general greatly influences your ability to excel, or lack thereof. As John Milton once said, "The mind can make a Heaven of Hell or a Hell of Heaven". Take your pick.
This axiom holds true even on a smaller level. For instance, if I'm in the gym and I get under 400 lbs for squats, if I tell tell myself it feels light it becomes light. If I convince myself it feels heavy, I will do poorly.
We all talk to ourselves. It's the CONTENT that differentiates the successful/happy from the unsuccessful/unhappy.
Become a MIND CONTROL NINJA and take over the world!!!!
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