Sunday, January 3, 2010

Passion and Success

I recently read this description of Passion:

"Look at any person who is a recognized leader in any field of endeavor and you will see passion. Passion makes things happen which would otherwise be considered impossible. Passion overcomes obstacles which long ago would have killed mere interest or resolve.

Those who are passionate about what they do have an advantage that is nearly impossible to overcome. In passion there is energy, creativity, resilience and persistence. Passion will get it done.

If there is something about which you are passionate, find it, understand it, and connect it with what you are doing. Put the power of passion behind the things you do. Live and act in harmony with a purpose that touches your soul. Go beyond being inspired. Go beyond being merely motivated. Get really passionate and fulfill your greatest possibilities and dreams."

This quotation is from Paul Esajian but I think is the culmination of several contributors. It really hit home for me when I sat back and realized that everything I've been good at, I was passionate about. Conversely, everything that I was poor or mediocre at, I didn't enjoy.

Makes sense, but it means that for any of us to be truly successful, we need to actually like what we do. Although it's a simple concept, how many of us are on that path? The bad news is I believe it's the minority of us. The good news is it's never to late to pursue your passions.

Start to ask yourself: What am I passionate about? How can I start to pursue those passions? What steps must be taken? What obstacles must I overcome? Etc., and you'll be on the right track.

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