Friday, August 14, 2009

If you could have one wish...

What would it be? Although a lot of people would instantly blurt out "I want $100 million dollars!", I want you to think about this in more depth before answering. If after really pondering this question for some time, you still want 100 million dollars, that's fine. But then ask yourself WHY.

Is the money for yourself? What would you buy? Why do you want those things? Why are they important to you? How would having them make you feel? (you get the idea)

Would it be to donate? Where or to who would you donate it? Why? Etc...

What else could you do with the money?

If your wish was for something else other than money, what would it be for? Your health? A superpower? Would you wish that the world was somehow different? Or how about use the wish for someone else?

This question was recently posted by Richard Flint, a motivational speaker that has the uncanny ability to make you think about the direction of your life and what you value as important. How you answer this question says a lot about your priorities in life and speaks volumes to what you hold as valuable. Use your answer to help you raise your own self-awareness and to determine whether or not you're really on the life-track you want to be on.

Feel free to post your answers here if you'd like.


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