What's up everyone? Sorry for not updating this earlier - it's been (and will continue to be) a crazy week at work. We have a demo next week at a conference and we're trying to get all the assays, etc. taken care of.
This week I started the 'fat burners'. I'm using True Protein's BCAA Blast before my AM cardio and I take 1 500mg green tea extract per day. I actually alternate the green tea extract with real green tea every other day. On days I have the tea, I put 4 tea bags into a liter of water and drink that throughout the day. I should note I consider these to be mild fat burners, but effective nonetheless.
In the past I used to take ECA (25mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine, and a baby aspirin) up to 3x a day as show time approached. NOTHING I've tried worked as good as this, both for fat burning, and for the stimulant effect that really helped get through the cardio and workouts. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now that ephedrine is off the shelves. (Which could be a huge rant in itself but I won't get into it).
Hopefully we'll see some progress this week. I still have a ton of fat in my back and arse to get rid of. Everything else usually comes in ok but those two areas for me are the most troublesome.
Hey Jason, You can get Ephedrine at CVS, walgreen's, or riteaid for sure. It's behind the counter as "Bronkaid." Usually used for those with asthma, but it's what I use for my EC stack.